
KYB provides our partners with a broader toolbox with multiple tools they can use with their customers.

Our partners

KYB makes it easy to create applications, often with NoCode/LowCode. KYB provides the data input partners need and interfaces with other systems like Power BI, ERP, and CRM.

Some of Digitread Connect’s partners:

  • AVO Consulting
  • Wake up Consulting
  • Appfarm
  • Invig
  • Green Digital
  • Braver
  • KTC Systemtechnik GmbH
  • MongoDB
  • Step Solutions
  • Axaz

Excito Consulting helps companies improve processes, and build and implement business applications. By standardizing processes and building digital tools, better flow is created in work operations and the value chain. This increases profits and reduces key man risk.

The collaboration means that we can deliver data from, among other things, machines and equipment, and anything else that has a sensor. In this way, the data can be used in the customers' business applications, providing management information and decision support in real time.

Team Excito excels in that they have in-depth domain knowledge and practical experience from the building and construction industry. This is an innovative consulting company in growth and with high ambitions that is passionate about creating value for customers. We are proud to be partners with Excito Consulting.

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